19 April 2009

Communication Plays A Pivotal Role ...

Communication plays a pivotal role in all walks of human life.

In other words life revolves around communication as the two originate, grow and evolve side by side. Communication may be Verbal or Non-Verbal, Close or Distant, Wrong or Right, Successful or Unsuccessful, Negative or Positive, but it is sure to exist between two or more human beings. Limiting our study to human beings alone, it may not be preposterous to say that right from its beginning, life and communication remain intimately interwoven throughout.
It Carries Civilization Forward
All worldly affairs, emotions, industry, commerce, relationships, personal or formal, science, philosophy and technology, in nutshell any kind of acumen or education could not have happened had it not been passed on from one human being to another or from one place to another. Civilization moves on the wheels of communication, which also serves as the main driving force by translating old information into new goals and aspirations .It may just suffice to say that the universe will freeze or cease to be without communication.
Meaning of Communication
What does communication mean? The word has several connotations and a plethora of definitions. Experts have defined it as ‘interaction between two or more human beings’. Communication is a process in which a message is conveyed ( through a medium-verbal or non-verbal) and received. Once the message travels from the communicator to the receiver, the purpose of the communication is partially achieved. The receiver either responds back providing feedback or the message is passed on to others, forming a chain of communication.
It is a Two Way Process
Communication hence , is a two way process involving at least two parties. We may contend that one can communicate alone with one’s self or Higher Power or Conscience. In that case too one interacts with the twin halves of the same entity .Even in monologue one speaks to one’s alter ego or a shadow of one’s self.
A Message Forms the Core of Communication
We have thus established the fact that communication is basically a dialogue, necessitating the existence of a communicator and a receiver and the give and take of a message is essential to the process. How the message is intercepted, responded to, or passed on to others, what kind of actions follow in it’s wake, makes for another very vast and interesting study.
A Process So Simple Yet So Complicated
A message is conveyed and a message is received. Seems pretty simple .Is it all about communication- verbal ,non-verbal or electronic ?
Had it been so, why is the same message conveyed to different people gets interpreted differently, eliciting different responses? Why do certain people fail to get the simplest message? How is that even a very short message passed on among a number of people gets altered in the course of transmission beyond recognition? What are major factors affecting communication that are instrumental for such a change?
This calls for a very intensive and challenging study.

It is a phenomenon that needs careful handling. It may make or break alliances, topple governments, ignite controversies or foster revolutions .In nutshell the power of communication is immense. Dating back to the Prehistoric Era of sign language, developing into speech and written form and culminating into the most sophisticated electronic devices, communication has not yet come of age. It is still evolving and will continue doing so. It is a force to reckon with that needs to be recognized and channelized properly to reap innumerable benefits for humanity.

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